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Dismissing an entire school of children is not an easy task and we need your help. To make this process SAFE and effective, we ask that everyone follow the expectations listed below to keep ALL of our students, staff and families SAFE. As always, please be patient and courteous.


Walkers will be dismissed from the front entrance of the school at 3:00 PM. Siblings will meet each other at this location.

Bike Riders

If your child rides a bike, they will dismiss on the lower level to pick up their bike.

Car Riders

If you are picking up your child in a car, you MUST use the car pick-up line located on East Battell Street. This is for the SAFETY of all students. When in the car pick-up line, follow these expectations to keep students SAFE.

Drivers will:

  • Pull up to the PURPLE cone.
  • Move with the line.
  • Stay in your car.
  • Display car tag.

Students will:

  • Use the passenger door by the sidewalk.
  • Buckle their own car seat/seatbelt.

Boys & Girls Club

Students are dismissed and go directly to check-in.

Change in Routine?

Send a message/note to alert your child's teacher OR call the office PRIOR to 2:20 PM. This is a SAFETY measure, please make us aware of the change.

Please use the appropriate sidewalks and crossing areas when picking students up from school. We appreciate your helping us to keep all students SAFE.